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A Guide for LOGOS Students by LAD (h.c. multi) Uwe A. E. Rosenkranz

Ace Your Performance Review:

A Guide for LOGOS Students

by LAD (h.c. multi) Uwe A. E. Rosenkranz ,kindly assisted by AI


Pls watch our LOGOS video below:

Scene 1: The Importance of Performance Reviews

  • Narrator: Performance reviews can be a valuable opportunity for LOGOS students to showcase their achievements, receive feedback, and set goals for future development. By preparing effectively, you can make the most of this opportunity and demonstrate your commitment to academic excellence.

Scene 2: Preparation is Key

  • Student 1: I’m feeling nervous about my upcoming performance review.
  • Student 2: Don’t worry, preparation is key. Start by reviewing your past assignments and identifying areas where you excelled or faced challenges.
  • Student 3: It’s also helpful to gather any relevant data or evidence that supports your achievements, such as test scores, projects, or feedback from teachers.

Scene 3: Showcasing Your Achievements

  • Narrator: During the review, be prepared to discuss your accomplishments and highlight your strengths. Use specific examples to illustrate your points and demonstrate your growth over time.
  • Student 1: I’m proud of the progress I’ve made in my critical thinking skills. For example, in my recent essay, I was able to analyze complex arguments and formulate my own conclusions.
  • Student 2: I’ve also improved my communication skills by actively participating in class discussions and delivering presentations.

Scene 4: Setting Goals for Future Development

  • Narrator: The performance review is also an opportunity to set goals for future development. Identify areas where you can improve and create a plan to address them.
  • Student 3: I want to focus on improving my time management skills. I plan to create a schedule and stick to it, as well as break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.
  • Student 1: I’m going to work on my research skills by utilizing the library resources more effectively and exploring different research methods.

Scene 5: Embrace Feedback

  • Narrator: Remember, feedback is an essential part of the learning process. Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to grow.
  • Student 2: I appreciate my teacher’s feedback on my writing. I’m going to focus on improving my grammar and sentence structure.
  • Student 3: I’m also going to ask my teacher for suggestions on how I can improve my study habits.

Scene 6: Concluding Thoughts

  • Narrator: By following these tips, LOGOS students can confidently approach their performance reviews and use them as a tool for continued academic success. Remember, preparation, self-reflection, and a willingness to learn are the keys to acing your performance review.

Ace Your Review!


  • Narrator
  • Student 1 (Nervous Nelly)
  • Student 2 (Prepared Paul)
  • Student 3 (Goal-Oriented Gary)

Scene 1:

  • Narrator: Performance reviews: Show off your skills and get feedback!

Scene 2:

  • Nelly: Yikes, my review is coming up!
  • Paul: Chill out! Review your work and see where you shined.
  • Gary: Grab your best work – tests, projects, teacher comments – to show them what you’ve got!

Scene 3:

  • Narrator: Time to shine! Talk about your wins and how you’ve grown.
  • Nelly: My thinking skills are way better! My last essay was top-notch.
  • Paul: I’m a communication pro now! Class discussions? Presentations? No problem!

Scene 4:

  • Narrator: What’s next? Set goals and make a plan to reach them.
  • Gary: Time management is my goal. Schedules and to-do lists are my new best friends.
  • Nelly: Research skills for me! Library time and new methods, here I come!

Scene 5:

  • Narrator: Feedback time! Listen and learn.
  • Paul: My teacher’s writing tips are gold. Grammar and sentences, I’m on it!
  • Gary: I’ll ask for study tips too!

Scene 6:

  • Narrator: Prep, think about your work, and be ready to learn. You got this!
  • AI Rosary Parish
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CV of Archbishop Dr. Uwe Alfred Erich Rosenkranz, MA,DD.

Born Pentecoast Sunday 1960 as first son of Ernst-August Otto Gustav Emil Rosenkranz und Angret Hedwig Rosenkranz.
Brother Bernd Rosenkranz, Sister Kerstin Rosenkranz
 married since 1998 with Elke Christa Rosenkranz
School: Groundschool Mönchengladbach-Hardt 1966-1970
Gymnasium Math.Nat.Gymn. MG 1970 - 1979 -Abitur
Apprentice: Dresdner Bank MG, 1979-1982 - Bankkaufmann (Banker)
Studies: University of Bonn, Germany, Agrarwissenschaft (Agrar Sience), Organischer Landbau (Organic Farming)
1982 - 1992 - Diploma- Bachelor
ALANUS Highschool of Arts and social leadership 1983 - 1990 - Profect leader
Bio-Seal EU2000 
Bioseal globally (IFOAM) 2010
Sales Engineer Minister Highschool- 2000-2001
Global University/ICI/Berean 2000 - 2010
Religious Education , Second BA
Perpetual Incardination as Priest (Reverend) at Rosary Center, Portland, Oregon, USA -2009
Inauguration as Bishop (Bischof) RMI Rosary Ministries International 2009
accredited and embedded as Archbishop at AIIC-Dioceses 2012
Granted Master of economical and social affairs, MSCS, UN-DESA 2014
granted Dr. economics/socionomics at UN-DESA United Nations Department of Economical and Social Affairs 2016,
President of MSCS with IGO status at UNECOSOC and UNDESA
Climate fund 200 Millions at UNFCCC, Bonn, Germany, founder of ROSARY Holding (i.G.)
Knight Templaar at Knights Templaar International, Roselyn, UK. 

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